Health Risks and Poverty: Clearly, TX with a poverty rate of approx. 17.5% shows the highest percent of demographic that lack healthcare (25%). Also states with lower poverty percentage have significantly lower obesity rate. Smoking is prevalent in states with high poverty rate like WV, KY and MS.
Health Risks and Age: The chart clearly shows that people who lack healthcare fall between 36 to 40 years of age group. Also, Smoking rate is higher among adults between 36-42 years old. Adults in the age group 34-36 in TX also tend to lack healthcare.
Health Risks and Income: We can also conclude that overall healthcare improves with increase in median income. In general the states with median income above $65,000 have lack healthcare. Also, Lower income was consistently associated with higher smoking prevalence. States like WV, KY, AR and MS with lower median income have significantly higher smoking percentage.